Tag Archives: strategy

Strategic Evaluation in your business – is this your New Years resolution

Business strategic evaluation

When a company commences there should be a clear vision about what the business strategy should be and how this will be achieved. In addition there should be a time horizon on growing the business with specific objectives in mind, including eventually the option to exit, whether by sale or ceasing. A business should re-evaluate its strategy every few years or more frequently to assess if the vision remains valid, or needs to be adapted to changing internal or external factors.

MW Interim Finance assists owner managers and directors in an objective review of their strategy and provides the resource to deliver on the changes identified.

For further information or a confidential discussion about your specific requirements, please contact Martin Walby FCMA CGMA on 07876 566875 or email


strategic evaluation - mw interim finance

An effective Business Plan – a key strategic element in running a successful business

Working with small and medium sized enterprises, (SME’s), it is often the case that, apart from when a company first commences trading, there is no formal annual update of a business plan. In some cases a company grows without a business plan never having been produced. In an economic downturn not having a business plan can hinder the future of the company both in the short-term and strategically.

In these challenging economic times companies find themselves more often operating on a day to day basis and strategic planning is not considered important. The preparation and implementation of a business plan is an essential part of a continuous strategic planning process and key to a review of the business, supporting funding requests and a requirement in any due diligence exercise when assessing an acquisition opportunity or the divestment of the business.

MW Interim Finance can assist you in compiling or reviewing your business plan, For further information email martin.walby@mwinterimfinance.co.uk

Small and Medium sized Enterprises, (SME’s), and business MOT’s

It is a second year of low or no growth in the UK economy with many businesses continuing to struggle. Looking at the small and medium sized enterprise, (SME), sector, low interest rates have enabled companies to survive the downturn and where funding requests have been made, it has been to support working capital requirements and not for growth or expansion initiatives.

Businesses appear to be waiting for something to happen but it is individual company’s that can be the catalyst for stimulating the economy. Few are really carrying out an annual MOT – (Management’s review of Opportunities and growth Tactics), evaluating their strategy and where they want the company to be in a year or two years time.

MW Interim Finance can facilitate these business reviews and assess operational efficiency across their business function’s, provide strategic options and facilitate their implementation to drive growth benefits.